Author: Nicola Campbell
Grade Level: 3-5
- Common Core: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.3.1, 3.2, & 3.3; CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.4.1, 4.2, & 4.3; CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.5.1, 5.2, & 5.3
- Virginia Standards of Learning: 3.5; 4.5; 5.5
Overarching Theme(s): Assimilation, Fairness, Point of View, Empathy, Inferencing
Timeframe: (45-60 minutes)
This story retells the experience of two siblings forced to go to an American Indian boarding school in Canada. In these schools, they were forced to disregard their culture and to adopt the traditions of Canada including language, dress, and customs. While this is the older sibling’s second year at the school, the younger sibling, Shin-chi, struggles in his new environment. He plays with a tiny canoe his father gives him to help count down the days until he can return home. (Note: This text takes place in Canada, but reflects the experiences of Native Americans in the United States.)
Lesson Goals
22. Identify feelings and motivations of characters
23. Determine the fairness of American Indian boarding schools in their historical context