Title: Young Water Protectors (.pdf lesson plan)
Author: Aslan Tudor
Grade Level: K-2
- Common Core: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.K.1 & K.3; CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.1.1, 1.2, & 1.3; CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.2.1, 2.2, & 2.3
- Virginia Standards of Learning: K.10; 1.10; 2.9
Overarching Theme(s): Native Americans, Protesting, Fairness, Point of View, Empathy, Inferencing
Timeframe: (45-60 minutes)
This story is about Native Americans fighting against the Dakota Pipeline issues at Standing Rock Reservation. Written by and from the perspective of a 10-year-old Native American child who is participating in the protests, Aslan Tudor shares some of what happened at Standing Rock.
Lesson Goals
- Identify feelings and motivations of narrator
- Determine the fairness of oil pipelines
- Learn about history of land and protests