Title: The Story of Ruby Bridges (.pdf lesson plan)
Author: Robert Coles
Grade Level: K-2
- Common Core: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.K.1 & K.3; CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.1.1,1.2, & 1.3; CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.2.1, 2.2, & 2.3
- Virginia Standards of Learning: K.10; 1.10; 2.9
Overarching Theme(s): Desegregation, Fairness, Point of View, Empathy, Inferencing
Timeframe: (30-45minutes)
This non-fiction account retells the story of Ruby Bridges, a young Black girl who integrated an all-White school in New Orleans. Ruby Bridges was a first-grade student who was sent to integrate an all-White elementary school. On a daily basis, she faced taunts and protestors on her way to school. All of the White parents pulled their children from the elementary school. Despite these challenges, she still continued to attend the school. Eventually, White students returned to the school. Ruby Bridges eventually graduated from the elementary school.
Lesson Goals
- Identify feelings and motivations of characters
- Identify feelings and motivations of secondary/bystanders
- Determine possible actions bystanders can take